2024/01/19 update
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88-A Platform Equipment Overview
Customers and dealers could order Ford sold, assembly line installed, equipment for the 88-AA platform truck. This equipment included 188-A stake racks, 134-A stock racks, or 134-B grain sides. Stake racks were supplied by the “Midland Steel Products Company” (same supplier as the 88-A platform). These racks were available for the complete 88-A platform production time period (1927 thru February 1931) with 84,226 being produced. The stock racks and grain sides started production in February 1929.
December 1929 was the production end of the 781 platforms with stock racks.
The platforms with grain sides ended production November 1929 with 481 being produced. It is likely that the “Midland Steel Products Company” was the supplier (but not verified).
Ford advertised dimensions for AA cargo bodies specified the usable cargo space with racks installed (racks with 3/4″ boards). With any 88-A platform equipment installed, the cargo area was 68” wide by 97-1/2” long.
Equipment was completely assembled before being painted cab color and subsequently installed on the painted 88-A platform.

188-Stake Racks
This equipment is shown in the above gallery (AA Stake Truck photo). This example is a d2 platform with corresponding racks. 188-A stake racks were constructed of stamped steel stakes with three 3/4” thick cross boards. These racks extend approximately 26” above the floor. Connections were installed on the top rack boards to tie racks together.
Stake racks were assigned part numbers AA-88200 – AA-88315 until May 1930. In May 1930 a type-designation were assigned to each A and AA body and body-equipment (past and present).
Stake racks were assigned type 188-A. Consequently, all parts were reassigned to part group AA-188200 – AA-188315. Stake racks are subdivided into three designs to correspond with the 88-A platform designs:
- d1 (12/27-er/28) – 1 front rack, 1 rear rack, and 2 racks on each side
- d2 (er/28-mid/28) – 1 front rack, 1 rear rack, and 3 racks on each side
- d3 (mid/28-2/31) – 1 front rack, 2 rear rack, and 3 racks on each side.
134-A Stock Racks
This equipment is shown in the 1929 stock truck photograph above. This example is of a d3 platform. Which is the only 88-A platform design to be fit with stock racks.
Like the 134-B grain sides, for an unknown reason, these stock racks are not listed in any Ford Body Parts List. And, a search of the MAFFI (Model A Ford Foundation, Inc.) parts index does not yield any engineering drawings for these stock racks. Other than Ford advertisements and archive photographs, it is like these racks didn’t exist. A current existing AA truck with stock racks has not yet been seen for detailed documentation.
Stock racks were offered at $40 and that the Ford sales department provided the following stock racks specification:
These sides are entirely of wood, only the highest grade of hard wood being used. Cross boards are 3/4 inch thick and are securely bolted to heavy wooden stakes. Side racks are in one piece as is also the front rack. The rear end rack is in two pieces for easy handling in loading and unloading. Top corners of all racks are securely held in place by steel clamps which fit securely as the sides are dropped into place. Dimensions are as follows: Height 4 feet, Width 5 feet 8 inches, Length 8 feet 1-1/2 inches. Color: Commercial Green
Note the ad’s “commercial green” color indication which does not agree with the rock moss green color specified for 1929 AA’s in other Ford literature.
134-B Grain Sides
This equipment is shown in the 1929 grain truck photograph above. It should be noted that the side racks were installed on the wrong sides of the platform in this photograph. There should be one tie rod at the rear and two at the front! This example is of a d3 platform. Which is the only 88-A platform design to be fit with grain sides.
Like the 134-A stock racks, for an unknown reason, these grain sides are not listed in any Ford Body Parts List. And, a search of the MAFFI (Model A Ford Foundation, Inc.) parts index does not yield any engineering drawings for these grain sides. Other than Ford advertisements, archive photographs, and existing examples, it is like these grain sides didn’t exist.
Grain sides were offered at $35 and the Ford sales department provided the following grain sides specification:
These sides are built of 3/4 inch hard wood closely fitted and bolted to steel stakes fitting securely in the Platform Body sockets. Both sides and ends are in one piece. The sides are bolted to the floor with two steel brackets on each side. The ends are held with tie rods running from one side to the other, the rods passing under clips on each end to insure holding them in place. The rear end is equipped with a specially built dump door, which breaks in the middle, being held in place by a strong clasp when closed. Measurements are as follows: Height 20 inches, Width 5 feet 8 inches, Length 6 feet 1-1/2 inches. Color: Commercial Green
Note the ad’s “commercial green” color indication which does not agree with the rock moss green color specified for 1929 AA’s in other Ford literature.
88-A Platform Equipment Details
An article containing details for the 88-A platform equipment (188-A stake racks, 134-A stock racks, and 134-B grain sides) is provided in the link below.
This article is a PDF file (fairly large and therefore take some time to open).
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